Healthy food is important to achieving fitness goals. It’s also the primary path to being healthy and sustaining prolonged years of age. Healthy food can benefit you in many ways. It can help you improve physically and mentally.
Healthy food in Crownpoint isn’t necessarily prioritized. But data may show that very few students have healthy diets. Crownpoint is a little town in New Mexico, on the Navajo Reservation. Here in Crownpoint the food is mainly traditional with a high consumption of fatty foods, vegetables and some sorts of protein. Healthy food may not be prioritized amongst the community because, well, the people have a love for their cuisine. But this article will determine based off surveys taken by the Students/Teachers at Crown Point high school to conclude whether healthy food is a choice that most like to take part in for their own benefits.
Healthy foods are those that provide you with the nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals needed to sustain your body’s well-being and retain energy. Healthy food is the main ideal for healthy living, so those that usually want to advance more physically or mentally would first begin to start a healthy diet. That is because healthy food, and food in general, is the main factor for the body that shapes your growth and development in various forms such as weight, immune system, digestive system, strength, and muscular function.
Healthy food not only helps these parts of your body, but your mind and mentality as well. An example of this could be through higher intakes of protein. Proteins contain chemicals called amino acids which your brain needs so that it will be able to produce more chemicals called neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters are important for the mind because they can help regulate thoughts and feelings and influence your mood. These benefits are ultimately essential because they contribute to a more vibrant and flourishing community as well as a healthier way of living without risks of disease.
Students and people in the community have varied opinions about healthy food in Crownpoint. For instance, one interview I had with a student at Crownpoint High School Tyrosen Woody stated that “It can or could help life expectancy or also to help with illness, as when used correctly in a condition the person continues in or wants to achieve.” In another interview with Crownpoint High School teacher Jeffrey King, he stated that “Healthy food provides the necessary nutrients for energy, repair, and maintenance of the body. In some cases, it may even be medicinal and help to heal the body.” Both interviews indicate that healthy food can improve well-being. Well, what about others? To understand these perspectives more, a survey was conducted among twenty students and community members. The surveys results revealed that 67% of those surveyed eat healthy and the other 33% of people don’t. And 83% percent like healthy food while 17% of people Disliked it. Lastly, 83% percent believe it benefited them individually while 17% opposed it. These results are significant because they show a trend of appreciation for healthy eating habits and highlight different views on healthy food within the community.
We can conclude that participants in the survey provided valuable information on the topic at hand and showed that many enjoy healthy food. While this may be, it is still questionable as to how many others in the community eat healthy food. Healthy food may not be everyone’s first choice, but it’s good to understand that some choose to be healthy and that it is always an option available. Healthy food is the basis of our human function to living efficiently with great prosperity in health and will always leave an impact for the greater good for those who choose it. What will you choose? Remember, you can take steps to take control of your health today.