The DC universe has better characters than the Marvel Universe–no explanation needed! Every human being in the world has their own opinion about these two universes and their characters, so why not hop into my article and learn about two opinions on this subject.
There are two different multi-universes with many different characters. If you already know or don’t know the two universes, they are called the Marvel and DC universe. The characters all have different roles, and many people have their own opinions. Marvel and DC movies and comics have created some of the most iconic and awesome characters to ever exist, from Superman to Spiderman all those characters have been someone’s favorite character. Each character has a unique personality, weaknesses, and strengths which make them unique.
As a high school Freshman, I have been in love with these characters ever since I was little and discovered the two universes. I think what drew me to them was their unique personalities. Take for example, Spiderman, one of my favorite marvel characters. He is just a teenage superhero who climbs on walls and shoots webs, but beside his main character is obtaining all the responsibilities that his powers come with and knowing how to deal with extremely challenging situations. As for the DC universe, my favorite character is Batman. Some may say that he is just a tortured hero, but his backstory on how he became a tortured hero is the main reason he’s such a good character.
Some people even have their own characters from the universe that I forgot even existed until I interviewed them. High school Freshman student Cherish Yazzie told me, “My favorite marvel character would be Dr. Strange.” Some may argue that Dr. Strange isn’t likeable and he’s just in the movies for show, but not Cherish. She gave me a few reasons why she likes Dr. Strange so much. She said, “His powers are awesome and the fact that he can time travel is even better.” So, yes even though you may not agree with Cherish, she gave me reasons as to why she likes this specific marvel character.
Another example would be from the older adult brother Francis Robertson. He told me that, “My favorite character is Wolverine.” Although many people may agree or disagree with him, he has his own opinion as well as his own reasons. He also says, “He can regenerate and he’s a mortal which I like, and he lives forever but somehow still dies in the movies he plays in.”
Now for DC characters, Cherish said her favorite character is “Superman,” and here are her reasons why: “He has multiple powers, and he is basically the superhero who can do anything, and people would still like him.” My brother’s favorite character is “Batman,” and his reason is “He has no superpowers, which makes him legendary and he’s super smart making him smart with prodigious intellect martial arts.” As I said, many people have their own opinions on these characters. Some might hate them, and some might like them, but it’s very important that you listen to everyone’s reasons and develop your own opinions.
A survey of of twenty Crownpoint High School freshmen revealed more varied opinions on this topic. The first questions was “What universe is better Marvel or DC?” Although the numbers were very close, 50% of the students chose Marvel as the best universe (even though I highly disagree with that), and 48% of students picked DC as the best universe. The second question was “Who is your favorite character?” The options were Spiderman, Batman, Superman, and Wolverine. A majority picked Spiderman with a percentage of 42%. The runner up for the favorite character was Batman, at 38%. I also asked, “Which character do you least like?” Everyone agreed that Poison Ivy was the least favorite and I agree with that as well. My fourth question was “What movie is your favorite?” There were four response options, and it was a tie between The Avengers and Batman vs Superman Dawn of Justice with a percentage of 38%. My final question was “If you could be in the Marvel or DC universe, would you go?” Over 70% of students said yes. Personally, I think these are very interesting results with regard to both universes and their characters. I would also say 100% of my votes go to the DC universe because it is much cooler than the Marvel universe.
Marvel and DC characters are both incredibly good, but again, there are opinions from people who think only one universe is better. Therefore, the world will never know which universe has better characters because of the different opinions people have. The two people I interviewed, and my survey responses do not sum up the entire world’s opinion on these universes and characters so, do not take other people’s opinions for granted. Even though not everyone can agree on which universe is the best, it is clear that many people enjoy the entertainment offered by both DC and Marvel–the choice is yours!